Botswana Diamonds Commissions Bulk Sampling Program on Three Kimberlites
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Botswana Diamonds has commissioned a bulk sample on three kimberlites - BK5, AK8 and AK9 - in the Orapa region of Botswana.
The project is expected to take nine months to complete and the first results could come as early as June. The cost of this work is estimated at $1 million and will be undertaken on a turnkey basis by Gemcore Sampling of South Africa.
These three kimberlites are known to contain diamonds and were the subject of a recently completed commercial scoping study.
A 9,000 ton sample will be taken from BK5, which has a historical grade estimate of 7-carats per hundred tonnes (cpht). Samples of 1,000 tonnes each will be taken from near surface, higher grade lobes of the AK8 and AK9 kimberlites.
By: Jeff Miller
Date: 2/09/2011
Botswana Diamonds,