WJA Teams Up with JobTarget to Create Online Career Center
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The Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) teamed up with JobTarget, a career services provider, created a web-based career center that connects job seekers with prospective employers in the jewelry industry.
WJA’s employment marketplace offers a targeted focus on employment opportunities in the jewelry sector by location, or demographic; allows for anonymous resume posting and advanced job alerts; and provides a cost-effective method for promoting available positions with discounted rates for WJA members.
“Niche job boards, like the one we’ve designed for WJA, are an ideal way to recruit top candidates,” said JobTarget chief executive Andrew Banever.
“Our customized career centers also attract new members—both individuals and businesses—to associations such as WJA. That helps drive participation in conferences, professional development workshops, award programs, and other exclusive benefits.”
By: JewelryOurs