JIC’s Ultimate Proposal Contest is Opened for Jewelry Retailers
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The Jewelry Information Center (JIC) opened registration for jewelry retailers to join its second annual Ultimate Proposal Contest, the nationwide search for the best proposal story, the company announced today (February 15).
Retailers, who register by March 15, 2011, will be entered to win an iPad.
The contest will launch officially launch to the public on April 4, at JIC.org/proposalcontest and will run through June 20. Members of the Jewelers of America Retail can register online.
The contest helps retailers marketing efforts by encouraging customers to share their proposal stories and remind them to return for wedding band and future jewelry purchases. Participating retailers will receive free marketing materials.
The retailer who refers the Ultimate Proposal Story will receive a trip for two to New York to attend JIC's GEM Awards in January 2012. Plus, each week, the sales associate who refers the most stories will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.
By: JewelryOurs