Shear Diamonds Unveils 11 cpt from Jericho Tailings Sample
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Shear Diamonds has revealed a sample grade of 11.3 carats per tonne (cpt) at Jericho from an internal audit of tailings.
Shear president Pamela Strand said, “These audit results allow us to begin to determine a better methodology for future processing of Jericho’s kimberlite in order to achieve optimum diamond liberation and recovery.”
“Also, we believe that based on these high diamond contents, that Jericho’s recoverable diamond grade has the potential to increase substantially.”
The purpose of Shear’s mini-audit was to confirm the results of a 4,048.5 kg sample from the recovery reject stockpile collected by Jericho's former owner Tahera Diamond Corporation. That report from year 2007 yielded 1,345 stones weighing 58.8 carats for a sample grade of 14.5 cpt. Tahera subsequently fell into bankruptcy and Shear purchased the Jericho project.
Shear Diamonds currently has a portfolio of eight diamond projects, including three advanced projects with development potential.
By: JewelryOurs
Date: 2/08/2011
Shear Diamonds