JIC Announces Top 10 Finalists of Gems Among Us Contest
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Jewelry Information Center (JIC), the consumer education arm of Jewelers of America (JA), has announced the Top 10 finalists of inspiring individuals in its Gems Among Us Contest. The nationwide essay contest recognizes the individuals who make our world a better place in the run-up to the Thanksgiving holiday. JIC is asking the public to vote at www.JIC.org/gemcontest for their favorite essay to determine the grand-prize winners through November 22 at 12 p.m. EST.
The Top 10 finalists were selected from a group of nearly 700 essays entered from all over the country, from September 13 through October 25, 2010, on www.JIC.org/gemcontest. The finalists consist of family members, friends, teachers, and neighbors – people who have battled illness, inspired those around them through their selfless actions, and/or have given of themselves fully without restraint.
The Top 10 finalists are: Concepcion Aguirre, nominated by Jack Elum; Tamara Bussman, nominated by Ryan Bussman; Carolyn Cole, nominated by Taylor Cole; Patti Grant, nominated by Jennifer Gervens; Heather M. Lee, nominated by Jonathon Lee; Tiffany Martin, nominated by Natalie Reid; Lonnie Wallace Moore, nominated by Elishia Hesterberg; Carolyn Sue Norman, nominated by Jen McCarthy; Barbara Pembroke, nominated by Amanda Pembroke; and Carlene M. Sperry, nominated by Mitch Sperry.
The grand-prize winners – the essay entrant and their nominated "Gem" – will win great prizes. The grand-prize essay's nominee – the "Gem Among Us" – will win a trip for two to the Aventura Spa Palace Resort in Riviera Maya, Mexico, courtesy of Cosmopolitan magazine. The grand-prize essay entrant will win a $5,000 jewelry shopping spree at a Gems Among Us Participating Retailer of their choice.
"We were touched by the outpouring of entries honoring incredible individuals in our Gems Among Us Contest. Our Participating Retailers and Sponsors helped lead the nationwide search. We hope America will be moved by the entries as much as we were and help choose the Gem Among Us," says Amanda Gizzi, spokesperson for Jewelry Information Center.
Sponsors of the Gems Among Us Contest include: Cosmopolitan magazine, Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company and Onewed.com. To vote for your favorite "Gem" or see complete Gems Among Us Contest rules, visit www.JIC.org/gemcontest.
By: JIC (Jewelry Information Center)
Date: 11/02/2010