Tabake Kobedi Appointed as Managing Director By DTC Botswana
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De Beers and the government Botswana jointly announced that Tabake Kobedi will become the managing director of Diamond Trading Company Botswana (DTCB), effective January 10, 2012.
Kobedi, pictured, will spend most of 2012 gaining a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the mid-stream and downstream parts of the diamond value chain. He will spend considerable time visiting the global cutting centers and meeting with Diamond Trading Company (DTC) sightholders and industry stakeholders.
During Kobedi’s transition into his new DTCB role, Paul Rowley, currently the DTC’s executive director for sorting, valuing and purchasing, will serve as acting managing director of DTCB. Both Kobedi and Rowley will be working to ensure the smooth and successful transition of the DTC’s London-based sales activity to Gaborone by the end of 2013.
Boikobo Paya, the chairman of DTCB, said, “Mr. Tabake Kobedi brings a wealth of experience to DTC Botswana, having worked in the diamond industry for more than 15 years.”
Varda Shine, the chief executive of DTC, added, “We are delighted with Tabake’s appointment as the first Motswana to lead DTC Botswana. We are excited about the experience and skill that Tabake will bring to DTC Botswana.”
By: Jeff Miller of RAPAPORT
Date: 12/05/2011