Aston Luxury Group to Exhibit Trade Show Debut at JIS
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The Aston Luxury Group (ALG) will be exhibiting at Jewelers International Showcase (JIS) in Miami on October 14-18.
At JIS, significant emphasis will be placed on the introduction of new brand positioning for REVV, the leading alternative metals men’s jewelry line. Materials will include a new logo, along with new promotional and point-of-sale materials.
Commenting on the first integrated trade show introduction of the multiple brands under the ALG umbrella, Jon Mitchell, the group president, said, “The Miami show represents the culmination of many months of work which started with the announcement of ALG earlier this year."
"It also represents the first step in the way in which ALG will go to market in 2012. We are currently in discussions with all the major show groups to finalize plans for what we know is going to be a dramatic period of growth for ALG.”
By: JewelryOurs
Date: 10/12/2011