Wisconsin Jeweler Uses Jesus and the Bible in Ad
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Called “Second Coming” sale...
A Wisconsin jeweler is using a novel sales pitch with a religious-themed ad that references Jesus and the Bible. The commercial, from LTD Jewelers in Superior, Wis., promotes a “Second Coming” sale.
Owner Larry Falter said: “If you want jewelry, I have access to millions. Diamonds and gemstones, gold, silver, watches and clocks, and I'm selling everything at 50% off, giving you unbelievable savings.”
Falter tells JCK that the ad and “Second Coming” sale were inspired by his own religious convictions, that were boosted after a recent trip.
“I have always been very silent and reticent with regards to talking about my faith,” he says. “But after I was in Israel for three weeks, I just became more persuaded than ever about the prophetic nature of the Bible. I thought I would have some fun with it and make a bolder faith statement. It was a way to get some attention.”
He said that local church groups have found the ad “pretty cool” and he has not had much negative feedback.
“There was one Buddhist woman who called me up and said, ‘I don’t want that kind of message on my television,’” he says. “But we talked for a minute, and she understood this is my personal conviction, and I am free to do that in this country.”
He adds: “I am sincere regarding the Lord’s Coming. But I also need to eat and make a living. I have never mixed the two together in overt way but I am ready to.”
By: JCKonline