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Education: Diamond Cut Grades

Education: Diamond Cut Grades

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Education: Diamond ClarityDiamond cut grades education...

Diamonds can have cut grades of Ideal, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor. The cut, or proportions and angles, of a diamond determines how it reflects light.

A diamond’s reflective properties are referred to as “fire” or “brilliance”.

Too shallow a cut will let light escape through the sides of the diamond before it has a chance to reflect, making it appear watery or dull, while too deep a cut will allow light to be lost through the bottom of the diamond, making it appear dark, especially in the center.

Here you can see examples.

A diamond cut to extremely exacting proportions of depth, diameter, and angles, allowing for maximum brilliance (white light returning to the eye), dispersion (the play of colors you see in a diamond's reflections), & scintillation (sparkling flashes that are seen when the stone, light source, or the viewer moves).

  • Ideal
  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Fair

Date: 1/01/2010


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